Massage Therapist
I received my license in Massage Therapy in January 2012 after graduating from Elizabeth Grady School of Massage Therapy in Medford, MA. I began working at Keldara in January 2019 when I made the big decision to leave my corporate job of many years and pursue my true passion as a Massage Therapist on a full-time basis. As a long time client here myself, I just knew that this would be a wonderful place to work! I enjoy performing all of the massage services that we offer, especially the most nurturing body treatments such a relaxation, combo, pregnancy, hot stone and body scrub/massage. I continue to be fascinated by massage therapy and all of its many benefits, both physical and emotional, and it is incredibly rewarding to be able to give my clients the same amazing relief that I have also received from it. It is truly an honor to witness this transformation in others. I love helping people feel their best!